Frequently Asked Questions About Employment Law
As a Monterey County employment attorney, Bill Marder has been focusing on employment law matters for more than 25 years. If you believe you have an employment law case on your hands, he can help you pursue justice by taking swift legal action in the form of a results-driven lawsuit. To better assist his clients, he has collected some of the most commonly asked questions brought to his firm and provided the answers below for your benefit.
Browse our employment law FAQs below or contact us at (888) 796-4010 for a consultation with Bill Marder.

Can I be fired for taking legal action against my employer?
No; it is unlawful for an employer to fire you—or threaten to do so—for taking legal action for wrongful treatment. In the state of California, you are protected from retaliation if you are a covered individual who has performed a protected activity. To learn more about retaliation, please click here.
What constitutes sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is when someone is subjected to unwelcome sexual advances in the workplace. This can include physical or verbal sexual behavior. If you are not sure if you have a workplace sexual harassment case on your hands and your employer has failed to assist you, please seek the help of Polaris Law Group.
I haven't been paid for work I did off the clock. Do I have an unpaid wage claim?
It is very likely that you have grounds to file an unpaid wage claim if you have done work off the clock. Bill Marder can carefully evaluate your case to determine if you have a case on your hands. If so, he will help you pursue the money that you are owed.
Why should I hire Polaris Law Group to represent me?
You should consider retaining Bill Marder's services because he is a proven and highly respected California employment attorney. He has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of wrongfully terminated employees and those who were owed wages. He can handle even the most complex employment cases, including the very ones that other law firms turn away. As his client, you can feel at ease knowing that your case is in good hands.
How much can I expect to pay in legal fees?
Polaris Law Group accepts employment law cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that you don't have to pay legal fees unless Attorney Marder recovers money for your case. You can retain his legal services without having to worry about your financial situation.
Can an employer deny unpaid time off in California?
Yes, there is no law in California that requires employers to approve any unpaid time off request. However, there are certain situations of illness or family crisis that guarantee the protection of your job status under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act, such as pregnancy.
More Questions? Call Polaris Law Group at (888) 796-4010!
If you have more questions about your employment law case, please don't hesitate to contact Attorney Marder.He would be happy to give you the answers and reliable counsel you need to move forward with your legal matter.

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More Than 25 Years of Experience in Employment Law
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