Human Trafficking Notices for Employers


The Office of the Attorney General has come out with updated human trafficking notices for employers in the state of California.

California state law requires certain businesses to post notices about human trafficking near public entrances and other locations where the public and employees can easily view the materials.

The updated notice contains a hotline and text numbers that the public can use to seek help or report human trafficking and other unlawful activities.

New guidelines stipulate that the notice has to be at least 8.5 x 11 inches and written in 16-point font. The notice must be printed in English, Spanish, and one other language that is widely spoken in the county and for which the federal Voting Rights Act mandates translation. The Office of the Attorney General has notices in 22 other languages that can be found on their website.

To learn more about how human trafficking is impacting communities across the country, visit OAG Human Trafficking.

Hollister Employment Law Attorney

At Polaris Law Group, we are committed to assisting clients throughout Northern California with their employment law cases. Whether you need help with a wrongful termination case or an unpaid wage case, we have the skills and resources that you need to obtain the justice you deserve. Stop by our office today to talk to our legal team about the details of your case and what we can do to protect your rights.

Call (888) 796-4010 to request a free consultation with an employment law lawyer in Hollister. We are here to serve you with personalized and effective legal representation.